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Unapplied parameters

RDSUnappliedParameters #

Meaning #

Alert is triggered when an RDS instance has unapplied parameter group settings.

Impact #

  • RDS instance is running with outdated configuration

    Unexpected changes may be applied after a restart.

Diagnosis #


RDS parameter groups have dynamic and static parameters:

  • When you change a dynamic parameter, by default the parameter change takes effect immediately, without requiring a reboot.

  • When you change a static parameter and save the DB parameter group, the parameter change takes effect after you manually reboot the associated DB instances

  • When you associate a new DB parameter group with a DB instance, RDS applies the modified static and dynamic parameters only after the DB instance is rebooted

  1. Check instance status

    If instance is in creating status, the parameter group should be applied automatically by AWS in few minutes.

  2. Identify the RDS parameter group used by the RDS instance

    aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier ${DB_IDENTIFIER} --query 'DBInstances[0].DBParameterGroups[0]'

    The db1 instance uses postgres14-primary parameter group. Changes will be applied after a reboot.

    aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier ${DB_IDENTIFIER} --query 'DBInstances[0].DBParameterGroups[0]'
        "DBParameterGroupName": "postgres14-primary",
        "ParameterApplyStatus": "pending-reboot"
  3. Identify changed parameters

    Search ModifyDBParameterGroup events for the parameter group in AWS Cloudtrail.

    PARAMETER_GROUP_NAME=<RDS parameter group>
    aws cloudtrail lookup-events --lookup-attributes AttributeKey=EventName,AttributeValue=ModifyDBParameterGroup | jq --arg PARAMETER_GROUP_NAME "$PARAMETER_GROUP_NAME" '.Events[] | select(.Resources[0].ResourceName == $PARAMETER_GROUP_NAME) | .CloudTrailEvent | fromjson | {userIdentity: .userIdentity, requestParameters: .requestParameters}'

    autovacuum_max_workers parameter on postgres14-primary parameter group was changed to 6

    $ PARAMETER_GROUP_NAME=postgres14-primary
    $ aws cloudtrail lookup-events --lookup-attributes AttributeKey=EventName,AttributeValue=ModifyDBParameterGroup | jq --arg PARAMETER_GROUP_NAME "$PARAMETER_GROUP_NAME" '.Events[] | select(.Resources[0].ResourceName == $PARAMETER_GROUP_NAME) | .CloudTrailEvent | fromjson | {userIdentity: .userIdentity, requestParameters: .requestParameters}'
        "userIdentity": {
            "type": "AssumedRole",
            "principalId": "AROA5RLBCOJT4ESFJL7UH:terraform",
            "arn": "arn:aws:sts::000123456789:assumed-role/terraform/terraform",
            "accountId": "000123456789",
            "accessKeyId": "ASIA5RLBCOJTTXNLV6UL",
            "sessionContext": {
            "sessionIssuer": {
                "type": "Role",
                "principalId": "AROA5RLBCOJT4ESFJL7UH",
                "arn": "arn:aws:iam::000123456789:role/terraform",
                "accountId": "000123456789",
                "userName": "documentation"
            "webIdFederationData": {},
            "attributes": {
                "creationDate": "2023-09-15T10:48:09Z",
                "mfaAuthenticated": "false"
        "requestParameters": {
            "parameters": [
                "isModifiable": false,
                "applyMethod": "pending-reboot",
                "parameterName": "autovacuum_max_workers",
                "parameterValue": "6"
            "dBParameterGroupName": "postgres14-primary"

Mitigation #

  • Apply RDS parameter group changes by restarting the RDS instance

Additional resources #