Exporter down

SQLExporterDown #

Meaning #

Alert is triggered when the SQL exporter don’t report being up.

Impact #

The monitoring system is degraded. SQL exporter does not collect SQL metrics, alerts cannot be triggered.

Diagnosis #

  1. Look at SQL exporter logs. The error messages (level=error) should explain why the exporter can’t scrape metrics.

    Usually, the exporter can’t connect to the PostgreSQL server due to network restrictions, authentication failure, missing permissions or timeout.

    PostgreSQL required permissions

    The SQL exporter needs pg_monitor role and LOGIN options.

  2. Look at PostgreSQL connection logs

    You’ll get an error message if PostgreSQL exporter connections are rejected by PostgreSQL.

  3. Check memory usage

    Sometimes, when target number is too high, the pod can be OOMKilled.

Mitigation #

Identify and fix PostgreSQL connection issue.

Additional resources #